{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

Module      : Library
Description : Library to handle __RESTful__ API
Copyright   : >implying
License     : >implying
Maintainer  : Florian Hageneder
Stability   : none
Portability : what?
module Api
    ( startApp
    , app
    ) where

import Game (Game (..), newGame, makeATurn, makeASolve)
import Player
import Storage
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.List
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Servant

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad (when)

-- ############################################################################
-- Messages

data TurnMessage = TurnMessage
  { playerId :: Int
  , playerSecret :: String
  , guess :: String
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''TurnMessage)

-- ############################################################################
-- API

type API = "games" :> Get '[JSON] [Game] -- Get all games
        :<|> "games" :> QueryParam "word" String :> Post '[JSON] Game -- Create session
        :<|> "games" :> Capture "gid" Int :> Get '[JSON] Game -- Get single game
        :<|> "games" :> Capture "gid" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] TurnMessage :> Put '[JSON] Game -- make a Turn
        :<|> "games" :> Capture "gid" Int :> "solve" :> ReqBody '[JSON] TurnMessage :> Put '[JSON] Game -- solve Game
        :<|> "games" :> Capture "gid" Int :> "players" :> Post '[JSON] Player -- create Player

server :: Server API
server = allGames
    :<|> createGame
    :<|> getGame
    :<|> turnGame
    :<|> solveGame
    :<|> createPlayer

    where allGames :: Handler [Game]
          allGames = liftIO loadGames

          createGame :: Maybe String -> Handler Game
          createGame Nothing = throwError err400 { errBody = "Parameter word missing" }
          createGame word = do
            games <- liftIO loadGames
            let ids = map gameId games
            let game = fromJust (newGame (if null ids then 0 else maximum ids + 1) $ fromJust word)
            liftIO $ saveGame game
            return game

          getGame :: Int -> Handler Game
          getGame = getGameHandled

          turnGame :: Int -> TurnMessage -> Handler Game
          turnGame gid change = do
            game <- liftIO $ loadGame gid
            case game of
              Nothing -> throwError err404 { errBody = "There is no game with this ID" }
              Just g -> do
                when (length (Api.guess change) /= 1) $ throwError err400 { errBody = "You can only guess a single char!" }
                player <- getPlayerHandled g (Api.playerId change) (Api.playerSecret change)
                let game = fst (makeATurn player (head $ Api.guess change) g)
                liftIO $ saveGame game
                return game

          solveGame :: Int -> TurnMessage -> Handler Game
          solveGame gid change = do
            game <- liftIO $ loadGame gid
            case game of
              Nothing -> throwError err404 { errBody = "There is no game with this ID" }
              Just g -> do
                player <- getPlayerHandled g (Api.playerId change) (Api.playerSecret change)
                let game = fst (makeASolve player (Api.guess change) g)
                liftIO $ saveGame game
                return game

          createPlayer :: Int -> Handler Player
          createPlayer gid = do
            game <- liftIO $ loadGame gid
            case game of
              Nothing -> throwError err404 { errBody = "There is no game with this ID" }
              Just g -> do
                let ids = map Player.playerId (players g)
                let new = newPlayer (if null ids then 0 else maximum ids + 1)
                liftIO $ saveGame g { players= players g ++ [new] }
                return new

-- ############################################################################
-- Boilerplate

-- | Loads a game or throws 404 if it could not be found
getGameHandled :: Int -> Handler Game
getGameHandled gid = do
  game <- liftIO $ loadGame gid
  case game of
    Nothing -> throwError err404 { errBody = "There is no game with this ID" }
    Just g -> return g

-- | Fetches the player from the game or throws an error
getPlayerHandled :: Game -> Int -> String -> Handler Player
getPlayerHandled game pid key = do
  let player = getPlayerForId (players game) pid key
  case player of
    Nothing -> throwError err401 { errBody = "There is no player with this ID or credentials did not match" }
    Just p -> return p

-- ############################################################################
-- Boilerplate

-- | Creates the application serving the api
app :: Application -- ^ application being able to be executed
app = serve api server

api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy

-- | Starts the application on Port 8080
startApp :: IO () -- ^ Opens port 8080 and serves api
startApp = run 8080 app