-- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds       #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators   #-}

Module      : Storage -> Persistance
Description : Persistance component.
Copyright   : >implying
License     : >implying
Maintainer  : Florian Hageneder
Stability   : none
Portability : what?
-- module Storage (loadGames, loadGame, saveGames, saveGame) where
module Storage where

import Game (Game (..))
import Control.Exception
import Data.List (find)

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad (when)

import System.IO hiding (readFile)
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import System.IO.Strict (readFile)

-- | The storage to keep all game sessions
gameFile :: FilePath
gameFile = "storage.dat"

-- ###########################################################################
-- Read games

-- | Returns all the stored games.
loadGames :: IO [Game] -- ^ Loads all stored games from the storage
loadGames = do
  content <- readFile gameFile
  return $ read content

-- | Returns a single stored game or Nothing
loadGame ::
  Int -- ^ GameID to get
  -> IO (Maybe Game)
loadGame gid = do
  games <- loadGames
  return $ find (\g -> gameId g == gid) games

-- ###########################################################################
-- Store games

-- | Overrides the whole storage with the given set of games
saveGames ::
  [Game] -- ^ All games that should be persisted in the storage
  -> IO () -- ^ writes everything the storage
saveGames games = writeFile gameFile (show games)

-- | Overrides the stored game with same ID or appends it to the list
saveGame ::
  Game -- ^ Single game to update
  -> IO () -- ^ Writes result to the file
saveGame update = do
  games <- loadGames
  let newGames = updateGames games update
  when (length newGames >= 0) $
    writeFile gameFile  (show $ updateGames games update)

{- | Takes a set of Games and replaces the game with the same ID as the given updated game.
Appends it if there is no such game -}
updateGames ::
  [Game] -- ^ List of games that should be updated
  -> Game -- ^ Game that should be updated or added
  -> [Game] -- ^ updated list
updateGames input update =
  if not (any (\ g -> gameId g == gameId update) input)
    then input ++ [update]
    else map (\g -> if gameId g == gameId update then update else g) input